All my life I have struggled with self-esteem. I've rarely gotten compliments, no one broke their neck trying to get a second look, never been cat-called (not that I want to), never been hit on, or anything of that nature. I can't even recall positive comments from my parents. I had no reason to think I was pretty or someone that anyone would be interested in. I was made to feel self-conscious about everything. "You're wearing that?" "You're not going anywhere with me looking like that." "Do something with your hair." "Put on some lipstick or something." The best one? "No man is going to want you looking like that." As if I had to look a certain way for a man versus looking good for myself. I've never really had anyone in my corner. I was always put down so I put myself down. It didn't help that I was bullied. My mom had the nerve to say that maybe something I was doing was making them bully me. Really...