Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!

I hope everyone had as much fun as we did last night! As you can see in the images below this is how we started our night. We went to a local fireworks store with some friends and bought A LOT of fireworks to enjoy.

We started small so the kids could enjoy themselves before the loud bangs for the adults lol! Sparklers, bang snaps, Roman candles, colorful torches, and things that spin and screech led up to the 143 and 210 shot cannons and 2 Hydrogen bombs.

My daughter hates sparklers but held some just for pictures. It didn't help that my son came to stand beside her pointing one at her lol!

We had a few of the Spongebob smilers and the Neon torch went from blue to red. We were unaware of the color change but it was a great surprise!!

My son lit one of the Hydrogen bombs and throughly enjoyed it. It was beautiful, we watched as it fired off about 16-20 shots.

Our friend Cameron lit the other one and again we watched as they exploded above us with beautiful colors.

As the loud fireworks went off, my daughter went to sit so she wouldn't be too scared. My son went to comfort her and wiper her tears. Although the loud ones scared her, she had a TON of fun overall and that's what matters most. They both enjoyed themselves and can't wait for next year!!


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